B-Stock Pocket Dolly V2 Traveler
B-Stock Pocket Dolly V2 Traveler
  • SKU: B104

B-Stock Pocket Dolly V2 Traveler

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The Pocket Dolly™ V2.0 is the benchmark to which every camera slider on the market compares itself. This ultra-portable and versatile dolly can be fully motorized or controlled via its unique crank handle. Providing quiet, consistent and smooth camera movement, the Pocket Dolly v2.0 is a professional grade camera slider that works day in and day out to create beautiful linear motion camera shots users desire.

B-Stock items are functionally like new, but may have cosmetic blemishes / imperfections from the manufacturing process or previous use and cannot be sold as new. The manufacturer's warranty still applies, in regards to function of product, but not in regards to any cosmetic imperfections.


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