Battery Not Included
The Kessler Mag Max 3A is a battery adapter that accepts DeWalt 20v Max and 60/20V Flex Volt batteries and outputs regulated 14.4V 3A on a Lemo 2 pin, a 5.5mm female connector, and D-Tap connector. The Mag Max 3A also outputs 5V USB charging cellphones and other accessories that accept USB power. The Mag Max 3A was developed to fill a void in the market for an inexpensive battery solution with a readily available common battery that can be found in almost every country in the world and at most hardware stores. We chose DeWalt as the battery of choice due to its popularity with filmmakers, on-location audio recordists, creatives, construction workers and hobbyists. We wanted an affordable solution designed to be a problem solver for anyone who has had power needs in the field and remote areas. The Mag Max 3A is a perfect solution for Kessler motion control users but also for anyone looking for an alternative, reliable and affordable power solution.

Battery Not Included
Mag Max 3A mounting options:
1/4-20 and 3/8-16 tapped and pass-through holes for attaching to a cheese plate, tripod plates, camera carts, and just about anything that has industry standard 1” on center hole patterns. There is also a tapped hole on one end for use with accessory arms and alternative mounting.
Powerful Neodymium Magnets are embedded into the bottom of the unit to attach to all Kessler MagLink products (Second shooter motors, Second Shooter controller, etc.) as well as anything containing steel, iron, nickel, etc.
Optional V-lock kit for attaching to v-mounts (does not pass-through power)
Optional belt clip attachment for using on a camera strap or belt (Price and availability coming soon)
Optional Gold Mount Stud kit for attaching to gold mounts (does not pass-through power)
Power Specs:
The Kessler Mag Max 3A battery adapter will not power devices with a higher than 3amp draw (Red DSMC2, Ursa Mini, etc) but will work with most video accessories used in the industry like monitors, audio recorders/mixers, DLSRs and mirrorless cameras with a regulated battery dummy, follow focus systems, wireless video transmitters and receivers, Kessler motion control systems, LED lights, and more.
To calculate battery time with a given device you use the equation:
Discharge Time = Battery Capacity (Ah) X Battery Voltage (V) Divided by Wattage of the Device you want to use with it.
When using the smallest Dewalt 1.5Ah battery you can run a 3 axis Second Shooter Plus system for 2.5 hours.

Compatible DeWalt 20v Max batteries:
1.5Ah battery is 30Wh
2Ah battery is 40Wh
3Ah battery is 60Wh
4Ah battery is 80Wh
5Ah battery is 100Wh
DeWalt Max FlexVolt 20V/60V Batteries* **
6Ah battery is 120Wh+*
9Ah battery is 180Wh*
12Ah battery is 240Wh*
*When using 20/60V Max FlexVolt batteries, Mag Max 3A only pulls 20V not 60V.
**18v Max and 18v/54v FlexBatteries are the exact same batteries (power, pinout, physically) as the 20v Max and 20v/60v FlexVolt batteries but are labeled for nominal voltage in the countries listed below.18v Max & 18v/54v FlexVolt labeled in these countries
New Zealand
South Africa
South Korea
20V Max & 20v/60v FlexVolt labeled
South America
North America
Note: Battery fit will vary between sizes of DeWalt batteries due to variations in battery tolerances. The battery will not fall off or detach due to the Mag Max’s locking tab, but shimming the contact area with gaffers/duct tape will provide a firmer fit. 6A, 9A and 12A FlexVolt batteries will have a snug to very snug fit.
WARNING: Do not leave batteries on Mag Max 3A after use as it may prevent your battery from being able to charge if drained beyond the minimal charge point threshold.
(1) Mag Max 3A Battery Adapter
Physical Specs:
Dimensions: 4.75" (L) x 2.5" (W) x 1.5" (H)
Weight: 0.8 lbs
Power Specs:
The Kessler Mag Max 3A battery adapter will not power devices with a higher than 3amp draw (Red DSMC2, Ursa Mini, etc) but will work with most video accessories used in the industry like monitors, audio recorders/mixers, DLSRs and mirrorless cameras with a regulated battery dummy, follow focus systems, wireless video transmitters and receivers, Kessler motion control systems, LED lights, and more.
To calculate battery time with a given device you use the equation:
Discharge Time = Battery Capacity (Ah) X Battery Voltage (V) Divided by Wattage of the Device you want to use with it.
When using the smallest Dewalt 1.5Ah battery you can run a 3 axis Second Shooter Plus system for 2.5 hours.
Compatible DeWalt 20v Max batteries:
1.5Ah battery is 30Wh
2Ah battery is 40Wh
3Ah battery is 60Wh
4Ah battery is 80Wh
5Ah battery is 100Wh
DeWalt Max FlexVolt 20V/60V Batteries*
6Ah battery is 120Wh+*
9Ah battery is 180Wh*
12Ah battery is 240Wh*
*When using 20/60V Max FlexVolt batteries, Mag Max 3A only pulls 20V not 60V.
Do not leave batteries on Mag Max 3A after use as it may prevent your battery from being able to charge if drained beyond the minimal charge point threshold.